Missing Witches

EP 82 MW – Diane di Prima: The War Is The War For The Human Imagination

In this episode Risa falls in love with Diane di Prima and explores a “secret history of intellectual and spiritual evolution as essentially aimed at human liberation” with “anarchism, gender equality, communal property and sexual freedom” interlinked and nestled at the heart

Risa Dickens
Mar 28, 2021
1 min read
PodcastFeminist MagicWord WitchcraftWitch HistoryActivist Magic
di prima from revolutionary letters

In this episode Risa falls in love with Diane di Prima and explores a “secret history of intellectual and spiritual evolution as essentially aimed at human liberation” with “anarchism, gender equality, communal property and sexual freedom” interlinked and nestled at the heart of this project. (Calonne 639) And she reads a lot of Diane’s poetry and bursts into tears.

“Diane di Prima: Visionary Poetics and the Hidden Religions” David Stephen Calonne

“Recollections of my life as a woman” Diane di Prima

“Occult Features of Anarchism” Erica Lagalisse (p59-60)












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