Witch Poetry

Alter and Altar: Rituals and Revelations from the Coven for the Autumn Equinox

To find the beauty in the darkness of the fall.

Teela Lier
Oct 2, 2023
1 min read
ZineWord Witchcraft
Photo by Nicole Geri 

A Circle Poem, based on notes taken during a Missing Witches New Moon Circle before the Autumn Equinox.

Alter and Altar

Drop the mask
Show us who you really are

Make a change
Add it to your altar
Revere the new it brings to you

Take dive into your past
Salvage the pieces of you
Find treasures you never knew

Explore you
Pen to paper
Jot it down
Write the truth your heart longs to set free
Keep it close and guard it well
Let no one take it from you

Carry your altar with you
A book
A journal
A box
A cloth
A picture
A song
A thought
What does an altar mean to you?
Carry it with you

Good or evil
No gray or in-between
Childhood reasoning
Fears of darkness
Shadows of fall bring unease
To the child we used to be

Altering mindsets
To reframe old teachings
Developing seasonal awareness
To find the beauty in the darkness of the fall

Journey to a new home
In a familiar place
Old hurts and family healing

A journey of mind, body and spirit
Coven connection
Sisters are standing by
Sending strength and healing
In the circle we hold space to let it out

Overstimulation in the season
Empty altars
Start fresh
A clean slate for the witch

Self care is key
Hot chili on cold nights
Fires under the stars

Surviving the past and cherishing today
Release the stress in your body
Learn to trust your body
Illness and medical trauma
Hold tight in our body and mind

Slow down and take a breath
Remember to breathe

Blessed Fucking Be.

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