In this Summer Solstice episode, Amy chats with two lawyers who identify as Witches to get an insider perspective on the legal system!! Pamela is an immigration lawyer and partner with the Islas Muñoz Law Firm in Texas and Melissa is a New York State lawyer and judge.

Quick note: Pam approached me after our interview. She was concerned that when she said, “I deal with the Shit…” that listeners might think she was talking about her clients. I assured her that it was very clear the “shit” she mentioned was INJUSTICE, but told her I’d make a note of it, just in case. What a heart she has, right?
Resources provided by Pamela:
Understanding New Laws, the Current Political Context & Culturally Responsive Practices in Working with Immigrant Families
March 11, 2020
Pamela Genghiní Muñoz, Esq. Kate Cartwright, PhD, MPH
Immigration Attorney/Partner Assistant Professor, Health Administration
The Islas Muñoz Law Firm, PLLC School of Public Administration
9900 Montana Ave. Suite A1 University of New Mexico
El Paso, TX 79925
Resources developed for immigrant families:
CLASP: Immigration Raid Resources (English & some Spanish, resources for families, providers, and other stakeholders)
Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plans (English, Spanish, & Chinese)
Informed Immigrant: Family Preparedness Plans
Mayan League: Know Your Rights in Mam
Women’s Refugee Commission: Migrant Rights and Justice Resources (English & Spanish)
Resources developed for practitioners working for immigrant clients:
Appleseed Network: Protecting Assets & Child Custody in Face of Deportation Manual (English &
The Center on Immigration and Child Welfare: Guidelines for Child Welfare Agencies to Prepare for
Immigration Enforcement
Zero to Three: Supporting Young Children Experiencing Separation & Trauma
Culturally Responsive Care Resources:
American Psychological Association: Working with Immigrant Origin Clients
Culturally Responsive Child Welfare Practices
National Association of Social Workers: Standards & Indicators for Cultural Competence
National Center for Cultural Competence (A wide range of resources, assessments, and trainings)
Immigration Legal Service & Advocacy Organizations
National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild
Immigrants’ rights project of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Immigrants Legal Resource Center