The Missing Witches Prescriptions

Rx. Standing In The Way Of Control

Find a way to transmute rage today.

By Risa Dickens, Amy Torok,

May 4, 2024
4 min read
John Trudell | Gossip

We come to you this week buoyed by love, uplifted by peace protestors and all of you! We've launched our annual Reparations Fundraiser and it's such a joy to feel our community together, reaching out with love to return resources to indigenous communities and - this year - to extend our embrace to victims of domestic violence, and violently displaced people in Palestine, Sudan, the Congo, Ukraine and beyond.

If you haven't yet, we invite you to check out our Reparations Fundraiser and all the delicious prizes! Consider making a donation, or sharing the project wherever you can. And listen, no judgment here, we support you making a donation for any reason that works for you!

  • Do it to transmute rage and sorrow!
  • Do it to share on social media and amplify good vibes!
  • Do it to win utterly MAGICAL prizes!
  • Do it to piss off your racist uncle!

This week Amy brings a song / poem / incantation by Santee Dakota activist, performance artist, actor, and poet John Trudell. Children Of Earth is a call to remember ourselves as caretakers, caregivers, beings who can use our thoughts to protect Earth.

We are not powerless.

The human beings have thoughts
And can act on these thoughts
How the human beings think affects
All the living things
Human beings are care takers
To take care of Mother Earth
Protect her with good thoughts
We are all children of Earth

How you think and act affects all living things. Let the child's voice chanting these powerful words from John Trudell remind you of your power, and then, if you can, use your power to amplify the collective magic of community reparations.

Risa comes to this week feeling like she's trying to wrap her entire nervous system around the kids. The kids trapped in Rafah, the kids protesting genocide, the students building encampments and their deep radical rage and hope, and out around all the faculty and local community members of conscience coming out to make circles of protection.

When it all feels overwhelming, one of the magic songs that helps is Gossip's Standing in the Way of Control:

It's part not giving in
And part trusting your friends
You do it all again
But you don't stop trying
Standing in the way of control
We live our lives

Sometimes just being in the bodies we're born in, or just telling the truth about the way we see the world puts us in the way of control. And though it hurts, Beth Ditto offers a spell: don't give in, and trust your friends.

Which brings us back to being buoyed by love! Thank you for being here, we love your wise, witchy minds and fierce tender hearts. Find some way to transmute your rage and sorrow today, trust your friends, and don't give in.

And Blessed Fucking BE.

Coven Events

First Sunday's Tarot Reading Practice (RSVP)

Sunday, 12:00 – 1:00 PM EDT

Hosted by Heather: "Let's play. This is a card reading practice. Bring a tarot or oracle deck that you want to use for practice and bring questions. 

Each practice will start with 3 questions. The question-asker is called a querent (one who queries.) Three querents will ask one question each.

Readers will shuffle and pull cards, for one querent, answering one question. Readers will pull 3 cards or less to keep readings moving along so everyone has time to practice read. 

When a reader is ready, raise your virtual hand to let the host know you're ready with your reading. Host will call on folks to read."

New Moon in Taurus - The Body (RSVP)

Tuesday, 8:00 – 9:30 PM EDT

Hosted by Amy + Risa: "The Taurus New Moon's chapter in New Moon Magic: 13 Anti-Capitalist Tools for Resistance and Re-Enchantment is dedicated to The Body.  All we humans have bodies.  It's a touchy subject: shame, exploitation, pleasure, health, ability, sensuality, vitality, pain and nausea mix in the cauldrons of our guts.  So let's come together and love our bodies.  Not just how we look, but how it feels to be brains, and organs and hormones and neurons and biomes inside bones, inside meat, inside this world. What does your body mean to you?  How do you feel when you think about your body?  Do you do any rituals to honour your body?  What sensations do you chase?  Is it tasting some amazing food?  Dancing?  Orgasm? Tonight, we celebrate our bodies - as "imperfect" as they may be, they have gotten us this far."

Note: You must be a supporting member of the Missing Witches Coven to participate in our events and courses. All our courses and events are free for members. We'd love for you to join us!

PS - If you are already a coven member but can't figure out how to access the Coven Circle or our events, we want to help you!! Please reply to this email and let us know where you get stuck and Risa or Amy will get back to you in ~1 business day and we'll do whatever it takes to get you in so we can make magic together. ❤️

Can you think of someone who might like.. all this? (She said, gesticulating wildly.) Forward them this email with all our love! Introduce your witchy friends to each other and let's give each other hope + community.

Blessed Fucking BE!

Risa + Amy

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