"The festivals of death at this time of year remind us that grief and joy are woven together."
There are other ways to make change. There are other conversations we need to have. - Zoe Flowers
In this episode, Amy sits down with your new Boo, Iranian-American community herbalist, storyteller, land tender, and joyous member of the mycelial network of liberatory-movement stewards and lovers, the co-founder of Wild Gather, School of Herbal Studies, Mandana Boushee. We talk about plants, poll
In this episode, Amy sits down with community herbalist and the co-director of Seed, Soil and Spirit School, Shabina Lafleur-Ganji to talk about “Reclaiming Ancestral Knowledge for Collective Liberation”. Together we dive into the cultivation of plants and the cultivation of relationship
In this episode, Amy seeds the story of Vandana Shiva – Indian tree-hugger, seed freedom activist, author of 20 books, an ecofeminist who will never be overcome by hopelessness, no matter how tough the situation, and who directs our attention to a tiny speck that is the first link in the food
“I know that the story of the Burning Times lives on in my bones.” We are honoured and thrilled to be sitting in Circle with a magical force of nature, author and co-founder of BIONEERS (please check out Bioneers if you haven’t already! Join their mailing list!) – Nina Simons