I am not woke
I'm awake -
You sleeping fool
Sleepwalking in the light of day
Believing your nightmares are real.
I am not woke
I'm awake -
Where you sleepwalk
I daydream
I do not fear the dark of night
Because I am a galaxy
I shine, I flow, I give milk to my children
From my breast
And I show them the way
To shine amongst millions of other stars
While down below our elevated souls
We see you sleeping a raging sleep
Believing you ever were alive.
If you call me woke one more time
I will ask you:
Why do you cling to sleep so?
Wake up now.
I will not be silent
any more
I will use my words
To defeat your shouts
And your laughs
And your blows
It took me 40 years
Of a monk's life studying
To learn
How to turn
My eruptive rage
Into very precise words
An apprentice become master
Words like swords
To cut through your noise
I will use my voice
To silence your oppression
Emotional intelligence must rise
Human intellect must grow
The sensitives will win
The time of the bullies
Is over.
Witch wound grief
Is watching other people vote
For a geriatric,
Nappy wearing,
Spray bronzing,
War mongering,
Climate change denying,
Woman molesting,
Religion touting
Whose strings are pulled
By an AI loving
Human race enslaving
Ultra rich
White man
Rather than vote for a brown woman.
It never was world war 3 but witch wound 3.
Never trust a woman.
Never give power to a woman.
Never support a woman,
Even, and especially, if you are a woman.
Time. To. Heal.

Katia Wallace is a published author, tarot reader, mystic, home educator and eco-f eminist. She was born in France and currently lives in the south of England with her family. She loves exploring the resurgence of the divine feminine in all of Her forms and expressions. She is passionate about helping women reclaim their powerful voices and ancestral wisdom. Her mission is to assist with the birth of a new spiritual age where humanity lives in cooperation and harmony with all of life on planet Earth. Connect with Katia @katiawallaceauthor