The Missing Witches Prescriptions

Rx. Every Last Child In Every Last Town

Let the sunshine in.

By Risa Dickens, Amy Torok,

Jan 6, 2024
5 min read
KRS-One | Allison Russell | 5th Dimension

We're back in your inbox, and in the coven we make in the dark between our ears, and though the horrors of war, racism, and inequality persist we find ourselves determined to cackle in their bloody faces and insist loudly (and in passed notes and whispers) that radical, magical good is possible.

Peace and ending poverty, a re-enchanted world of possibility, is possible.

We're going to face the horrors and nevertheless launch ourselves joyfully at spectacular hope. And we'd love for you to join us (it's easier together!)

Amy's prescription this week begins with the 5th Dimension medley of Aquarius / Let the Sunshine In. This is resistance music that knows how to dance in the sunlight holding hands, dreams of true liberation, and puts love in the driver's seat, and we are HERE for it.

peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Let the sun shine
Let the sun shine in

Amy suggests meditating on the possibility of waking into the dawn of a new era with a dose of esoteric hip hop. Soak in this history/astrology lesson from KRS-One: Fourth Quarter - Free Throws.

If you read the bible astrologically it's clearer, (no doubt)
The next age will be the age of the water-bearer
It's called the Age of Aquarius, (word)
When logic and truth will take care of us
So in this age of spiritual dignity
You'll see a rise in femininity
And creativity, meshed with masculinity
You got to get with me, this is your true her-story (rrryyy!)
Do you wanna go higher...

Whether we are entering the Age of Aquarius or not seems to depend on which astrologer you ask, but for this week we're going to lean all the way in, because yes, KRS, we do want to go higher. Like Hilma Af Klint, we want a liberatory creativity in the spectrum of femininity and masculinity that opens new paths to love for self and other. We want the Aquarian age as Migene Gonzalez Wippler describes it in The Complete Book of Spells, Ceremonies & Magic:

If we learn to understand the true message of Aquarius we can overcome the negative forces that are an intrinsic part of the Aquarian influence and enjoy an Age of great spiritual awakenings and undreamed-of material success. And the only  way we can understand the Aquarian message is to try to get closer together, in a real universal brotherhood, where there is only one creed - the creed of love - and only one race, the human race.

Risa's prescription this week is a groove for calling in your power and binding abusers. Play it while you anoint yourself, play it while you look in the mirror and love each surviving part of yourself, learn to play its simple chords on ukulele or guitar and lean into the way the song finds a smile and deep strength and all-conquering love even in the face of horror. Let it lift you, let yourself fly.

In Nightflyer, Allison Russell sings:

His soul is trapped in that room
But I crawled back in my mother's womb
Came back out with my gold and my greens
Now I see everything
Now I feel everything good Lord
What the hell could they bring to stop me Lord?
Nothing from the earth, nothing from the sea
Not a God almighty thing
Yeah, I'm a midnight rider
Stone bonafide night flyer
I'm an angel of the morning too
The promise that the dawn will bring you, you, you
I'm the wounded bird, I'm the screaming hawk
I'm the one who can't be counted out
I'm the dove thrown into battle
I can roll and shake and rattle mm-hmm, hmm
I'm the moon's dark side, I'm the solar flare
The child of the earth, the child of the air
I am the mother of the evening star
I am the love that conquers all

Follow up Nightflyer with a dose of Demons, because we're going to look right in the eyes of the demons of our culture, shine bright lights on them, and bring them with us to a better tomorrow.

Freedom riders sing, Freedom Singers ride
Lift us up to that Good Fight
Can we carry that song, that shield, that crown
Every last child in every last town
Demons (demons) demons (demons)
Comin' up from behind
Demons (demons) demons (demons)
Been there all my life
Demons (demons) demons (demons)
Surely can't outride 'em
Oh turn around, look 'em in the face
They don't like how sunlight tastes
Ah-ha, hush that fuss
Send your demons to the back of the bus
No matter how they holler
No matter how they moan
They can't change where they are going

They may be coming with us, but we're not going to let the demons drive. We're incanting and acting and singing and dancing together for a tomorrow fertile with justice for every last child in every last town. Happy freaking New Year. ✌️

Coven News

Inside our online coven space, members are invited to lead and attend courses, participate in interviews for the Missing Witches Podcast, vent, unmask, and share their weird.

BTW - We are only 1 year into having this new coven space and exploring all of what it can be. We are currently pouring over the many thoughtful replies covenmates have sent to our annual State of the Coven Survey and making schemes for 2024. If you haven't answered our small survey yet, there's still time and we really appreciate your insights. Take the Survey.

Weavers Office Hours / Cauldron Coworkings

Speaking of sharing your feedback, coven members who are at the Weavers level - investing in actively weaving magical projects and worlds together in 2024 - we'd love your input on this thread discussing options for when we can get together outside of our monthly full moon circles to give each other more direct support and feedback, or just craft together amicably in good company. Vote on the Poll.

Coven Events:

Collaborative Open Book Tarot Course Sunday, Jan 7, 10:00 - 11:30 AM EST

Interview with Marion Gibson, Professor of Renaissance and Magical Literature + author of Witchcraft: A History in Thirteen Trials Friday, 10:00 - 11:00 AM EST

Interested in joining a kickass virtual coven this year?

Mutual Aid / Collective Action Corner

Via "Salman Mukaev escaped Chechnya, where he was jailed and tortured by police because they thought he was gay. Now in Armenia, Salman is in danger of being sent back to Russia, where unimaginable risks await him. While we had high hopes for a positive resolution, a court hearing in September concluded without a decision. Now, a crucial hearing is set for THIS WEEK January 8 where Salman's fate could be decided."

Can you think of someone who might like.. all this? (She said, gesticulating wildly.) Forward them this email with all our love!

Blessed Fucking BE!

Risa + Amy

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