The Missing Witches Prescriptions

Rx. These Streets They Are Yours And They're Mine

Oh, the many paths of the way.

By Risa Dickens, Amy Torok,

Dec 9, 2023
4 min read
Nadine Shah | Janis Joplin

We're back this week, giving each other prescriptions for finding our own weird, stumbling, still-coughing ways through these dark days to the other side.

Risa's been driving in thick snow, imagining her friend coming out of brain surgery, his neurons finding their way through the thick snow, haze, white noise, darkness, fog of trauma to build new roads home. The phrase echoing in Risa's head this week is: Oh, the many paths of the way. There is more than one way through, always.

Risa prescribes Mother Fighter by Nadine Shah (via our covenmate's utterly badass Bruja Ha Playlist.)

Listen to me
These streets they are yours and they're mine
You're not staying with me
I can't promise all will be fine
When you're grown
You'll no longer have to ask why
Just come back home
When land is as calm as the sky

Believe in a time when people will come home to the land they love.

Believe that the streets are yours and mine. Believe in love no matter how loud the bombs. We insist upon believing. The way finds a way.

Amy's prescription comes from that place where being dragged through sickness reminds you how deep your love and gratitude are. That teary, feverish thankfulness for any scrap of love you've been lucky enough to be graced with. She brings the pup that will not leave your side, the partner who brings you soup and shovels all the snow. The reminder that life is short and the world rages, and if you get a chance to have a little love you must obey the oracle Janis and "Get it while you can."

In this world, if you read the papers, darling
You know everybody's fighting on with each other
You got no one you can count on, dear
Not even your own brother
So if someone comes along
He's gonna give you some love and affection
I'd say get it while you can, yeah
Honey, get it while you can yeah
Hey, hey, get it while you can
Don't you turn your back on love

We refuse together to turn our backs on love. Grab it, and hold on.

A reading from Women's Spirit Magazine called "Our Circle - Our Cauldron" closes the Rx. this week:

Throw in whatever you bring. Empty your pockets; shake out your secrets; turn the dark corners of your past to our sight. We need all that we can bring that is true. Whether it tastes of honey or vinegar, salt or spice; whether it is herb--flower, root or rind! Surely there is nourishment in all the scraps of our lives.

We need all that we can bring that is true.

Upcoming Events for Coven Members

Yule Party: Dec 12, 8pm ET

Whatever they are, whatever state they are in after this year, we invite you to bring your talents to the Missing Witches Yule Altar. And let's party!

Ritual Soup: Dec 14, 7pm ET

Join us to raise energy, learn from each other, and have some fun. This is a collaboration to teach and learn how to create sacred meaningful rituals and rites from our beloved collective coven.

Open Book Tarot Course: Jan 7, 10 ET

Join us for a communal divination for the new year, rooted in a cozy ethos of learning together. 

N.B.: All events are free for coven members, and membership starts at less than $1/month.

Coven Offerings

We're proud to announce that we contributed an essay to this year's Moon Studio Many Moons Lunar Planner.

Use code 'RISA10' to take $10 off your order of a 2024 Many Moons Lunar Planner from their online store - valid until 11:59 pm PT on 12/12/2023.

Use code 'RISA10' to take $10 off your order of a 2024 Many Moons Lunar Planner from their online store .

Business Witch Workshop

Check out Cara Covacs AKA The Business Witch’s upcoming Free Series, 'How to Match your Income to Your Impact.'

Monday, Dec 11 @ 12pm PT / 3pm ET on Chani Nicholas IG LIve

Collective Action

How to have hard conversations about Palestine & Israel

"Chani Nicholas will be joined by cultural organizers and art therapy experts Mazal Masoud Etedgi and Esther Farmer, and JSWANA leaders to lead you in this workshop and welcome everyone into a safe space where all of us are grappling with challenging topics together.

We’ll practice engaging in conversations about Zionism, Palestine, Israeli apartheid, Gaza, and other topics. You’ll walk away with new skills you can put to practice in your everyday life, as well as the confidence to know that you don’t need to know it all to engage with your community about Palestinian liberation.

We do this because we believe in a safe and liberated shared future. It’s time to collect our cousins and we’re here to help."

Watch live, or find the recording at:

With Thanks and Hope

Imagining you all out there insisting upon love and hope for the future is the wildest gift and gentlest balm. We love you so much.



PS. If something here makes you think of someone who might like what we do, please send us along to them. Huge thanks for helping us find each other. ❤️❤️

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