
EP 61 Sabbat Special Lammas 2020: Focus Your Anger and Keep Walking w/ Amy and Risa

In this episode, Amy and Risa sit down to chat about how we are managing to keep it together. We discuss Lammas blessings, plum trees, the capitalist meat wheel, the magical power of hope, our gratitude to the Missing Witches coven for being a safe place to be vulnerable, and swing back and forth be

Amy Torok
Aug 1, 2020
1 min read
Sabbat SpecialsLammas

In this episode, Amy and Risa sit down to chat about how we are managing to keep it together. We discuss Lammas blessings, plum trees, the capitalist meat wheel, the magical power of hope, our gratitude to the Missing Witches coven for being a safe place to be vulnerable, and swing back and forth between contradictions, weakness, strength, our shared profound confusion and, maybe, hopefully, some confidently solid advice for this Lammastide.

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